While you're at work or taking the kids to karate, I'll jumpstart training for you. We'll establish better routines, train a solid foundation of skills, and set you up for longterm success.

are you being terrorized by your adorable puppy?

take a breath & feel relief.
I'm Lauren, your pro denver puppy trainer. I'm here to help.

our program includes   15   sessions during which we will cover:

good manners starts here
with our wildflower puppy program.

Based on your training goals we may work on sit, down, hand targeting, name, leave it, stay, coming when called, polite greetings or leash skills.

Beginning Basics & Manners

Puppies under 16 weeks will focus on socialization while older puppies may touch on certain aspects. Socialization is time sensitive & a priority.


Receive guidance with unwanted behaviors that pop up during puppyhood like potty training, puppy biting, barking, guarding & others.

Troubleshooting Behavior

Learn how to train your puppy, develop skills and practice them in the streets of Denver. Together, we’ll create the life you dream of with your puppy.

Training for Real Life

find out more about our wildflower puppy program

Who is it for?

Best for busy professionals or families interested in training done-for-you.

What does it include?

1 - 60 Minute Goal Setting Session

9 Private Training Sessions

2 Follow Up Sessions

How much does it cost?

The investment for this package is $1800.

Google Drive with notes, handouts & videos

Email support (during program & 30 days after)

3 Training Together Sessions

client reviews

"Lauren helped us integrate our puppy into our multi-dog household. She was knowledgeable about behaviors to look for and helped us feel completely at ease with training them together. We plan to use her again when we have dog training needs in the future!"

- missy & joe h.

"Lauren was instrumental in training my new puppy. Her program designed specifically for puppies was great and the carryover has been exciting to see. She tailored the training to us and was an amazing resource for all of my questions as a new dog mom. Jack and I can’t thank Lauren enough for her help!"

- Elie n.

My fiance and I got our first puppy and had no idea where to start. Lauren provided us with great resources and guidance for us to navigate the first few months of having a puppy. She was easily accessible so I can ask all of my questions and always gave thoughtful and impactful responses. She completely took away all my fears about getting a new puppy and made the adjustment so much easier!! Would recommend Lauren to anyone!!

- Paige n.

frequently asked questions

Why should I choose the Wildflower Puppy Program?

I love this program because it gives you a break and puts some of the puppy training and socialization on my back, a professional and certified dog trainer. The program is split into 3 segments.

The first segment is completing a goal setting session. In this session we'll discuss your pain points, like potty training, puppy biting, barking, food guarding, etc. We'll talk about your goals for training and your vision for the future. Would you like your puppy to respond to their name, come when called, and sit for greetings instead of jump? We can work on all of that!

The second segment condenses 12 training sessions into a three-week period where I do most of the training for you. 3 times a week, while you’re at work, running errands or taking a rest I'll come to your home and train your puppy one-on-one. It's amazing because your puppy gets 1 hour of training, exercise, and enrichment! What does that mean? A tired and fulfilled puppy. At the end of each week we'll schedule 1 session where I will coach you on how to practice and use the skills your puppy learned.

The third segment concludes the program with two follow up sessions with you and puppy. We'll refine skills, apply skills in real-life settings, and troubleshoot anything that's popped up. I love this segment because we often get to see real results of our training! Were we working on teaching puppy how to relax on a mat with distractions? Maybe we'll go to a quiet cafe and test her skills there! Were we working on walking nicely on leash? Maybe we'll go to a Denver park. 

The puppy stage is vitally important. We’ll work on puppy training and socialization in Denver, establish routines to help you in your daily life and train a foundation of basic skills and manners. There’s a lot to do, and the sooner you begin the better your puppy will fare as they grow into adolescents and adults.

Why is socialization important?

Puppyhood is the most important stage in a dog’s life. Many behavior problems and fears that crop up in adulthood can be prevented with proper socialization and foundational training as a puppy. That’s why I recommend working on socialization and training from the start.

The American Veterinary Society of Animal Behavior (AVSAB) has identified that the number 1 reason for relinquishment of dogs are behavioral problems. Proper socialization and training during puppies’ most critical developmental period (age 3 to 16 weeks old) can have a huge impact on reducing behavioral problems such as fear and aggression.

AVSAB also states that puppies can safely start socializing and interacting with their world 7 days after their first set of vaccinations and deworming. That means many puppies can start exploring their world and experiencing stimuli as soon as they are brought home.

Work with me, a certified professional trainer, to help you safely and effectively socialize your puppy in Denver, and help you set up a foundation of good behavior that you and your puppy can build upon for years to come.

What is a goal setting session?

A goal setting session is a 60 minute consultation at your home. It’s the first opportunity for me to meet your puppy, yourself and anyone else in your family who intends to help with training.

You'll complete a goal setting form prior to our session, which will help guide our conversation. We'll talk about your vision for how you see your life with your puppy and what frustrations you have so far. 

By the end of the session we'll have pinpointed at least 3 overall training goals, troubleshooted any behavioral issues you're currently facing like potty training, puppy biting,  or food guarding, and set up management strategies that will give you some relief from ongoing issues.

After the session I’ll put together a customized training plan that will be our roadmap to reaching your goals. You’ll receive an email outlining our plan as well as gain access to a Google Drive which will house relevant handouts, videos, and activities.

What is a private training session?

While you’re at work, running errands or taking a rest I will come to your home and train your puppy one-on-one. These sessions are designed for me to do what I do best: train! I love them because I can train uninterrupted and can concentrate on building the skills you want most.

This program includes 9 Private Training Sessions with 3 sessions scheduled per week for 3 weeks.

I try and do one field trip per week (depending on the dog, goals, and circumstances) for socialization or puppy training in Denver. For example, we might go to a park, Home Depot, or a new part of town.

What is a TRAINING TOGETHER session?

Training Together Sessions are training sessions where YOU are the focus. During these sessions I will demo how to train skills and coach you on how to do them, too. These sessions are fun because you get to be the trainer and learn how to use your puppy’s skills in real life.

This program includes 3 Training Together Sessions, which are scheduled at the end of each week for 3 weeks.

What is a FOLLOW UP session?

Follow up sessions are scheduled 1-2 weeks after segment two is completed. I’ll coach you on any skills that might need refinement or extra practice. We might go on a field trip to practice puppy training in Denver, or I might set up a scenario in your home so we can practice your puppy’s skills in a real setting. 

How can you support us after we have completed the program?

You can email me with any questions 30 days past our last scheduled training session. Depending on the issue you may need to schedule additional sessions, which we will discuss and decide together.

You can also follow me on Instagram, where I will have training tips that may be helpful.

How do I get started?

Fill out a contact form if you have questions. Or book your program and get started sooner. 

Puppy training and socialization is something that shouldn't be put off. If you'd like your puppy to grow up into a confident, well-mannered, and fulfilled dog, then start puppy training and socialization in Denver, today!

Do you guarantee results?

No. Results in dog training can never be guaranteed, and it’s unethical for any trainer to do so. There are many factors that affect results like a dog’s motivation, dog's genetics, guardian's commitment, training consistency, what management strategies are in place, along with many other factors.

What I can guarantee is that I will always have you and your dog’s best interest at heart. I will use humane-based training methods and will always let the science behind behavior speak for itself instead of guessing why something is happening.

Can I schedule one session to start?

You can schedule a stand-alone goal setting session ($135), which can be deducted from the total program if you decide to join. However, I would recommend committing to the program from the start. The goal setting session is really designed to be combined with a training program. 

If you're unsure if this program is for you you are welcome to schedule a 15 minute free discovery call. We can discuss the program, my credentials, and answer any questions you have regarding those two things.

have questions?

Book a free 15 minute discovery call.